Tuesday, November 20, 2012

More BattleBox!!!

Did some texture and sculpting work for Battle Box 3D today. I completely redid the shirt sculpt from last time, mainly since I had a new idea of how to do it. So far I'm liking it much more than the first attempt. Next I'll just need to figure out how to get this to work with the over all model. I'll be sculpting the cloak next. 

Not much to look at yet. Just started painting and getting an over all feel for her UV layout. Her face was the most satisfying for me to see today, one can only get so far with details in just the mesh. I'll be adding stitches, textures (like cloth weaves or leather), and other details as I go along. This is the part that really rocks because the character is starting to come together! 
 Also don't forget to check out Battle Box and like it on Facebook!

In other news, the game I've been working on, Banonkey Town, is getting cooler and cooler as we add polish to the levels, puzzles and fights. Its really turning into a project worth doing. Please donate to help make this game the best it can be!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sculptris update

Here's the back of her shirt. I am just now getting used to Sculptris and haven't found out how to export this as a normal map yet, but I'll figure that out this week. I tried to get the pants done tonight as well, but I'm having trouble since her crotch keeps looking inflamed instead of slightly wrinkled pants. We just can't have that.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The game I'm working on!

Hello! I work on a team called Troop 13 and we have a game on Kickstarter :D. We've come so far we just need a little help to finish this awesome game.
Take a look and back us! You'll get cool things made by us if you do.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Finished Connie!

Hello, I finished my Connie final drawing today. I plan on drawing her a lot more as well, I don't think I quite have her down yet.

As for my Battle Box ranger, she's unwrapped and ready for some sculpting and texturing! I don't have a picture to put up today since unwrapping doesn't really change the mesh any, its a lot of work and not really much to show for it yet, that will come tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Daily Doodle and Ranger update

CONvergence is wanting artists to send in Connie drawings to pick out artists for T-shirt designs. I did a practice page so I could have a nice finished version to send in. She is definitely not something I'm used to drawing since I'm more of a fantasy artist, but expanding skills is not a bad thing :D. So far I'm noticing that I'm drawing tiny hands and making her head not big enough, I'll have to fix that for my final designs.
I started redoing her hair with a different technique, I'm liking it better. She is rigged but her accessories are not. I think when I edited her arms I made them too small.... that won't do, her fingers need a little work as well. Her accessories are half way done (barring edits). Things are looking good for this week though, I'm off Friday from work this week so I'll be getting a lot done on this.